Superior High School in Superior, Wisconsin recently completed a $60-million renovation and expansion project which includes classrooms, offices, common area, gymnasium, library media center, and cafeteria space. LHB provided architecture and engineering services and Kraus-Anderson Constructio
By Charlotte Mclaughlin For Mailonline
Published: 11:54 EDT, 31 May 2022 | Updated: 12:02 EDT, 31 May 2022
A four-year-old boy was killed after crashing his new mini-motorbike into a metal fence post on his first spin, an inquest has heard.
Jacob Gamlin-Turner�
Posted by admin on Jun 8th, 2022
Insteel Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:IIIN – Get Rating) VP Scot R. Jafroodi sold 500 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, June 6th. The shares were sold at an average price of $43.54, for a total value of $21,770.0
"We appreciate this is not a police matter but the fish are worth a lot of money"
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Police have issued a warning about otters taking and killing expensive pet fish from ponds. Neighbourhood officer
Transform your garden, with the best outdoor paints for a summer update
ummer is almost upon us, bit there’s still time to spruce up your garden with a quick lick of paint. Perhaps your fence needs a colour refresh or your shed is weather-beaten beyond recognition? Updating your gard
Do you like movies on the big screen?
Did you know Richmond was the first-reported community to have ‘moving,’ live-action images projected by light on a screen before an audience?
On June 6, 1894, Wayne County’s greatest inventor changed human history by projecting a woman
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Tesla CEO Elon Musk gestures as he arrives at the Axel Springer Awards ceremony, in Berlin, on ... [+] December 1, 2020.
The context is transitioning from fossil energy to renewables. One key aspect of this is transport via gasoline or diesel vehicles and its transition to electric mo
MSHA has announced a new enforcement initiative regarding overexposure to respirable crystalline silica.
The silica enforcement initiative is intended “to take immediate action to reduce the risks the silica exposure.” The initiative will include:
The agency is still pl
Receive local adoptable pets PLUS updates for pet lovers in your inbox every week!
Dear Cathy: I have three rescue dogs. I am respectful of the neighborhood and have trained my dogs not to bark when they are out in our large, fenced yard.
My neighbor adopted a Lab, who barks aggres