Battle of the moles and gophers – Red Bluff Daily News

2022-08-13 00:34:24 By : Ms. Admin Tina

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Gardening with gophers and moles is a “holey” affair. Living on a farm, moles and gophers are everywhere, and I am losing the battle in my flower garden beds. I am getting very discouraged, and rock gardening is looking more appealing. I did learn some differences between moles and gophers which helps with the battle. Also, I have a few methods of attack to share.

Moles are small, furry mammals of the shrew family with, not cute, tiny eyes and ears for underground environment. These animals have pointy “snouts” with webbed front claws and narrow back feet enabling them to tunnel about a foot deep. They are not very long in body, about 6-8 inches. Moles like to eat the worms, snails, slugs and insects underground; however, the tunneling disrupts plant roots, bulbs and grass. My moles have killed at least 10 plants since spring by digging at, around or near, the base of my plants. The hollyhocks just fell over. Some plants just dried up. Generally, they don’t eat the plants or veggies. In fairness, the moles did loosen up the soil a lot, and the wind finished off half of those plants.

Moles eat 60 to 80 percent of their body weight. That leads to extensive tunneling to satisfy that appetite – up 150 feet a day. Have I told you I’m losing the battle?

Disheartening to know, moles are busy all day and night, year-round; no doubt, making the most of their 3- to 6-year life span. However, they don’t like extreme heat or cold. Nice. With our heat, you would think our area would not have a mole problem. Moles like soft, wet soil to dig; hence, the invasion of my flower garden beds.

There are many differences between moles and gophers. As a result of my reading, I have decided I have more gopher damage than mole damage. Gophers are bigger than moles, about 12 inches long with small eyes and ears. They have long, visible front teeth. Gophers are members of the rodent family with a round, furry body, and, boy, do I detest rodents.

Gophers have a flat head, side pockets on their mouths, short snouts and their tails are usually brownish with a white tip. These critters are herbivores, eating roots and tubers of plants, sometimes, lawn grass and clover too. Occasionally, the critter may poke its head out of its hole to snatch a plant close by. Our cats sit near those holes for long periods of time waiting to grab a gopher. Our five felines don’t seem to make much progress, but I cheer them on.

Gophers dig a main tunnel with a network of side tunnels, ending in a “plug”. When gophers come above ground, they will make a hole in the area. Moles leave a little “molehill” when they come to the top.

There are several ways to deter gophers and moles. No guarantees. When asking people how to get ride of gophers and moles, trap is the first humane suggestion. Catch and release FAR away from your property. Another suggestion buy granules or liquid repellents. Follow directions closely on all purchased products. Another good method is to trench the tunnels, place fine wire mesh or weed preventive fabric down, fill trench with rocks. This would be great for certain areas.

Fourth suggestion is scare ‘em. I would love to pipe heavy metal music down the tunnels; however, the neighbors’ petition states I can’t do that. Actually, my daughter told me of some spikes that pulse annoying sounds. You can purchase them from hardware stores, or order online. Next, pets. Enough said about that course of action. There are more methods to combat gophers and moles, including purchasing a scary animal urine. Ugh. Do some research and ask around about other methods to discourage moles and gophers.

Finally, one method I have tried, is 3 parts castor oil with 1 part dish soap. I used Dawn for the soap. Mix, and combine 4 tablespoons of mixture with a gallon of warm water. Pour on tunnels and in holes. I have only made one application to holes and tunnels, and it will take more applications to hopefully see improvement, or decreased activity in the flower beds. This morning I checked for results, and, honestly, I thought there were fewer new invasions and no returns. Of course, it has been hotter than Hades out there, so heat or a delicious concoction?

Now, how can I keep my cats out of my flower pots?

Red Bluff Garden Club will meet again Tuesday, Aug. 30 at First Methodist Church, 525 David Ave., Red Bluff. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Program begins at 1 p.m., followed by business meeting. Mark your calendars for club’s yearly October luncheon, Oct. 8, at Rollings Hills Casino.

Red Bluff Garden Club is affiliated with the Cascade District Garden Clubs; California Garden Clubs, Inc., Pacific Region Garden Clubs; and National Garden Clubs, Inc.

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