Locals co-chair Percheron world show - Virden Empire-Advance

2022-08-20 00:11:57 By : Mr. Tony Cai

The World Percheron Congress (WPC) will once again be held at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, Man. from July 18 – 23.  This year’s show offers a full slate of halter, hitch, youth and Percherons under saddle and boasts over $200,000 in prize money to be awarded to horsemen and women from across Canada and the United States. As well, a costume class, feed and chore team competitions, plowing matches and a barnyard pull will round out the week-long event which guarantees a top-notch, full entertainment package for draft horse enthusiasts. A number of Percheron enthusiasts from the local area are taking part, both on the host committee, as well as exhibitors in the show itself. The Congress is held once every four years, and alternates between Canada and the United States. The last time the Congress was held in Manitoba was back in 2004.  The idea of hosting the 18th Congress was first suggested in 2016 when a number of Manitoba Percheron breeders/exhibitors were gearing up for the 2018 WPC held in Des Moines, Iowa. The idea of hosting it in 2022 was tossed around among some of the group planning to attend the show stateside. They decided to give it a go.  “The group that went south and participated (at Des Moines) were very keen to move forward once they returned home,” said Donna Swanston of Virden, co-chair of the 2022 event. “Within that group were a number of young people who were very excited to see a similar event happen in their home province.”  As a result, a committee was formed and their bid was submitted to the Canadian Percheron Association for consideration. Needless to say, they were successful.  The experience of having hosted the 2004 show certainly has proven helpful in planning the details and preparing for this year’s show. Putting on a show of this caliber enlists the help and expertise of the entire draft horse community and is a testament to the collaborative effort and support it takes to put on a show of this magnitude. “Leveraging the learning from hosting the 2004 Congress in Brandon, along with everyone’s cooperation and effort, we are now in the final planning stages leading up to July 18th,” said co-chair and 2022 Congress exhibitor, Darcy Strain, also of Virden. Percheron horses from across Canada and the United States will be exhibited daily in everything from conformation (halter) classes including stallions, geldings and mares, to hitch classes consisting of everything from a single cart horse right up to the eight-horse hitch. These, along with the specialty classes of youth, riding, plowing, feed team race, chore team competitions and even a costume class make it truly a show with something for everyone. An educational seminar is planned and the committee prides itself of playing host to a “first class show and entertainment package” with a strong focus on youth. “The draft horse industry can pride itself in our up-and-coming youth that will keep the heritage of these majestic animals for all to remember,” said Ivan Strain, of Boissevain, advertising and merchandise chair for the committee. New to the WPC this year is the Eberglo Breeders Challenge which is a futurity-style show held in conjunction with the Congress. The WPC is also a Classic Series halter, youth cart and six-horse hitch double points show which has helped attract and encourage entries of quality halter and hitch horses. Planning so far out for this world-class show is daunting at the best of time, but has been especially challenging given the fact that COVID-19 made everything so unpredictable and difficult to manage. The World Clydesdale Show, original slated for 2021 in Brandon, was one show greatly affected by the pandemic, so much so, that they were forced to postpone their show until 2023. Fortunately, this was not the case with the Percheron Congress, and the show is going on as originally planned, however, not without some adverse effects. “COVID has been hard on us,” said Ivan Strain. With movement across the international border at entry deadline still stymied due to ongoing travel restrictions, including but not limited to proof of vaccination, it has played havoc on their hitch entries. They are, however, happy to report that 16 six-horse hitches are entered and their halter class numbers are comparable to other years/shows with their largest halter class expected to be the yearling filly class at 21 entries. The show is expected to generate in excess of $1 million dollars revenue for Brandon and area as it plays host to Percheron breeders and enthusiasts locally and from across Canada and the United States. The committee expects to entertain a contingent from as far away as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Guam and Manila. It seems that “Where the World comes together” could not be a more fitting slogan for this prestigious event.