NHPCL Invites Tender for the Supply of Mechanically Woven, Double-Twisted, Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions - GEM/2022/B/2269511 - Sentinelassam

2022-07-01 20:18:56 By : Ms. Sunny Li

  |   29 Jun 2022 5:22 AM GMT

The Sentinel provides the latest updates on Tender for the Supply of Mechanically Woven, Double-Twisted, Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions and other online tender notices published by the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited

The Sentinel is the online tender website that provides unlimited lifetime free access to Tender for the Supply of Mechanically Woven, Double-Twisted, Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions and other procurement notices types like open tender, public tender, online tenders from the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited.

As on date NHPC Limited has become the largest organisation for hydropower development in India, with capabilities to undertake all the activities from conceptualization to commissioning in relation to setting up of hydro projects. NHPC Limited has also diversified in the field of Solar & Wind power.

NHPC Limited presently has an installation base of 7071.2 MW from 24 power stations including 2 nos projects in JV mode. Considering the impediments faced during execution of these projects such as unfavourable geological conditions, difficult law and order problems, inaccessible and remote locations, the achievement so far is commendable.

National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited requests a proposal for the tenders for the Supply of Mechanically Woven, Double-Twisted, Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions, Revet Mattresses and Rock Fall Netting-is:16014 (q3) , Needle Punched Nonwoven Geobags for Coastal and Waterways Protection- as per is: 16653 (q3) in Dhemaji, Assam.

supply of mechanically woven, double-twisted, hexagonal wire mesh gabions, revet mattresses and rock fall netting-is:16014 (q3) , needle punched nonwoven geobags for coastal and waterways protection- as per is: 16653 (q3)

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