TechDay - What Is a Landing Page and Why Do You Need One?

2022-06-24 20:17:13 By : Ms. Lily Li

I'm a firm believer in the theory that you should make it easy for your customers to do what they want to do. A landing page is the best way to do this for any website that wants to achieve success online. Just like with a search engine, my body responds much more positively to landing pages than other sites.

When you start building a site, it's only natural to have no idea about building one. It's like trying to jump off of a cliff without crutches or a seesaw. Of course, a lot of hard work is involved with learning how to do this (and I assure you, it is work). But once you learn the fundamentals of creating a landing page, everything else will fall into place.

What is a Landing PageA landing page is an introduction to a website—a place where people first learn about it and then return later to see if they want to sign up for more information or buy something. It's like a pop-up window in the middle of your screen that leads directly into your content. That's why it's also called "landing."

Landing pages are supposed to stand out from everything else on your screen so that it grabs a page visitor’s attention right away. It’s why marketers use them as one way to increase conversion rates — they're designed to make people want something quickly and a direct route for accessing it.

Depending on the nature of your business, you can opt to building landing pages for free for your website or use a premium tool or service if the extra expense is something you’ve already accounted for.

How are Landing Pages Different From a WebsiteLanding pages are designed to convert visitors into customers. They're similar to a website in that they can contain text and images but differ in several important ways.

Landing pages don't contain navigational links (as opposed to websites). A landing page should not need any navigation at all. Instead, it should focus on the call-to-action (CTA), which is the button or link that you want visitors to click on.

Landing pages are hosted on a separate domain from your main site (as opposed to a subdomain). That means that if someone visits your main site through an affiliate link or a Google search, the links will direct them to your landing page rather than a website.

Finally, landing pages have limited capabilities compared to websites — they can't include videos or other multimedia content, for example. They also can't have their own blog section or social media icons like Facebook "likes" and Twitter retweets.

Why Are Landing Pages Important for your Business?Landing pages are an essential part of marketing for any business. Here’s a look at why landing pages are vital to any business with an online presence.

Landing Pages Create a First Impression-What Will Yours Say?When you create a landing page, it's designed to be the first place people will see your product or service. That means that it needs to be effective at selling itself—but also that it needs to be trustworthy.

The best landing pages are designed with simplicity and a sense of personality and individuality, so they feel unique and personal to the brand.

If you're selling an expensive product or service but don't have many reviews on Google, you'll probably do better (and sell more) if you have a few good ones instead.

Generate More Leads for your BusinessA landing page is also more effective when attracting new leads and customers than any other marketing channel today. In addition, it’s an excellent way for you to start building an email list of potential customers who will want to hear more about what you have to offer in the future.

You'll also be able to segment these emails by looking at how many people viewed the page (and therefore saw your message) versus how many people completed it (and therefore signed up).

They Improve Your SEO – Land More Business on Search EnginesLanding pages are also crucial for SEO because they help search engines understand what users look for when they go to Google. An effective landing page should also be search engine optimized (SEO) meaning it will appear high up on Google searches when people are looking for products like yours or services like yours.

Landing pages can be used by businesses big and small, but they're crucial for those who want to stand out from the crowd and attract new customers. The more visible your site is on Google, the more likely people will click through and make a purchase from you.

Landing Pages Aren’t Just for Pay-per-Click Ads AnymoreNo matter what you're selling, a landing page is a great way to direct people to take a specific action.

So landing pages can be an excellent solution when trying to make a sale, converting your site visitors into customers, or even just collecting emails to keep your audience engaged and in the loop. And if these sorts of goals sound appealing to you, I recommend that you try them out.

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